Friday, January 27, 2012

Hello All,

I have an SQL 2000 sp4 default instance.
On windows server 2003 sp2 machine that is joined to a domain.
This windows is not the domain controller.

There is a domain account domain\user.
This domain account is a member of the Administrators group locally in the windows.
Also this domain account is a member of SysAdmin fixed server role of the SQL Server instance.
The MSSQLSERVER service is logged in by this domain account.
The SQLSERVERAGENT service is also logged in by this domain account.

Office 2007 (including outlook 2003) is installed on the same windows server machine that SQL resides in.

Lotus notes cloient 6.5 also installed on the same windows server machine that SQL resides in.

In Control Panel - Mail - Profiles: Outlook is the profile used.

In enterprise manager --> Support Services --> SQL Mail --> Properties --> I wrote Outlook in the profile name --> then click "Test" --> I encounter this error: "Error 18025: xp_test_mapi_profile: failed with mail error 0x80040111"

I looked at

I could not figured it out

Any help please?



You need a mapi email client such as Outlook 2000.

I have around 17 SQL/Server 2000's using Domino 6.5 email accounts. Here is the scoop:

Log on to the server as the account that is used for the SQL Service account and install Outlook 2000 (with no service pack). Launch Outlook 2000 and create a mail profile that points to your Domino server. Call this email account SQLMail. Create another Outlook 2000 profile with the name SQLAgentMail and test it (this can be the same Domino account). Then log off the server and log back on using the login account that you normally run the server with. Restart SQL Server (and SQL Server Agent) and then the mapi email profiles created earlier will be available. Set SQLMail to use SQLMail profile and then set SQL Server Agent mail to use SQLAgentMail profile. That's it!






Thanks for your help.

I have other question:

While am setting up SQLMail to use SQLMail profile and then set SQL Server Agent mail to use SQLAgentMail profile.

Receiving the following error.

Error 22022Tongue TiedQLServerAgentError: Unable to get the default MAPI Address Book due to MAPI error 271: An error occurred while attempting to open the Window Address Book. Please specify a default mail delivery location in you profile.

If I try to create MAPI profile IBM Lotus Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook - create - new profile through getting the below error.

Failed to create new MAPI profile. Error creating personal Folders service

Note: This error can be caused by an incorrect configuration of out look 2000. If you are using outlook 2000, Please verify that is running in Corporate/Workgroup Mode.

Setup encountered an error and failed to create a MAPI profile.

You will need to reinstall IBM Lotus Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook

(Already we removed and reinstalled)

Any help please?




Sorry for the inconvenience,

Restarted SQL Server (and SQL Server Agent) ,the mapi email profiles created earlier still not available.

Can you please help me?



You don't need the Notes client installed on the Server at all as you will be using a POP3 email account to connect to the Domino Server (at least that is the way that I run it.)

Sign back on as the SQL Server service account then launch Outlook 2000. Click Tools, Options, click the Mail Services Tab, then click Reconfigure Mail Support and select the Corporate Workgroup option. You may have to setup the mail profile/accounts again if needed (choose POP3 when creating the mail accounts). Be sure to set Outlook to use each profile that you created and launch Outlook and click send/receive to test the email accounts.) Then logoff and sign back in as the normal Server user then restart SQL Server again...



Thanks you so much. It is working now.

I have other question.

we have five different sql servers.

Is it okif I use the same ( single )mail box for different profiles? instead of creating different mail box on each server?

Or does it works like a mail realy?.

Please help?





I create a new email account for each Server so that any emails from a SQL Server are easily identified. For example, a server named "Boston" I would create an email account named "Boston Server". If SQL is only SENDING emails then you could use one email box for everything; however, I would not want to set up my environment that way...

p.s. I am glad that everything is working correctly!!!


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