In looking thru the code for the replication related stored procedure
sp_addarticle, I noticed that there were 2 stored procedures called from
sp_addarticle that I can't seem to find anywhere on my SQL Server:
sys.sp_MSrepl_getpublisherinfo & sys.sp_MSrepl_addarticle. These are stored
procedures that appear to be undocumented and I have read comments on
Microsoft sites stating things like: “Undocumented stored procedures are only
for the use of internal replication components and should not be used to
administer replication.”. I just want to know more about these stored procs
(and others like these) as far as where they live, what they do, how
sp_addarticle calls these Stored Procs without the SP blowing I
have tried to call sys.sp_MSrepl_getpublisherinfo in a 10 line script I made
and all I got back was that the sys.sp_MSrepl_getpublisherinfo couldn't be
found no matter what DB I tried to execute against. I don't see anything
helpful about these SPs when I Google (and I am a Google master) or anywhere
else. If anyone has anything relevant & helpful, I would appreciate the info.
Chris Jones
Application Development Consultant
they are in mssqlsystemresource.mdf. Open it in a text editor to read what
this proc does.
Hilary Cotter
Looking for a SQL Server replication book?
Looking for a FAQ on Indexing Services/SQL FTS
"Chris" <> wrote in message
> In looking thru the code for the replication related stored procedure
> sp_addarticle, I noticed that there were 2 stored procedures called from
> sp_addarticle that I can't seem to find anywhere on my SQL Server:
> sys.sp_MSrepl_getpublisherinfo & sys.sp_MSrepl_addarticle. These are
> stored
> procedures that appear to be undocumented and I have read comments on
> Microsoft sites stating things like: "Undocumented stored procedures are
> only
> for the use of internal replication components and should not be used to
> administer replication.". I just want to know more about these stored
> procs
> (and others like these) as far as where they live, what they do, how
> sp_addarticle calls these Stored Procs without the SP blowing I
> have tried to call sys.sp_MSrepl_getpublisherinfo in a 10 line script I
> made
> and all I got back was that the sys.sp_MSrepl_getpublisherinfo couldn't be
> found no matter what DB I tried to execute against. I don't see anything
> helpful about these SPs when I Google (and I am a Google master) or
> anywhere
> else. If anyone has anything relevant & helpful, I would appreciate the
> info.
> --
> Thanks.
> Chris Jones
> Application Development Consultant
|||Great, that was exactly what I was looking for and when opening the
aforementioned MDF file in Notepad and doing a quick search, I found the SPs
I had mentioned in my earlier post. Thanks for the good info!
I have one follow up question based on your answer:
Is there a way to have the Resource Database appear in the list of Databases
in SQL Server Management Studio for easy browsing of it's contents, or is the
only browse option to open the MDF file with a text editor such as notepad?
Chris Jones
Application Development Consultant
"Hilary Cotter" wrote:
> they are in mssqlsystemresource.mdf. Open it in a text editor to read what
> this proc does.
> --
> Hilary Cotter
> Looking for a SQL Server replication book?
> Looking for a FAQ on Indexing Services/SQL FTS
> "Chris" <> wrote in message
|||Just make a copy of the database files, attach it with a different name
and... 'voila'!
Chris wrote:[vbcol=seagreen]
> Great, that was exactly what I was looking for and when opening the
> aforementioned MDF file in Notepad and doing a quick search, I found the SPs
> I had mentioned in my earlier post. Thanks for the good info!
> I have one follow up question based on your answer:
> Is there a way to have the Resource Database appear in the list of Databases
> in SQL Server Management Studio for easy browsing of it's contents, or is the
> only browse option to open the MDF file with a text editor such as notepad?
> --
> Thanks.
> Chris Jones
> Application Development Consultant
> "Hilary Cotter" wrote:
||| are absolutely correct...I just discovered that and was coming
back here to post the instructions. Here's what I found...
First, giving credit where credit is due, I found the following info I am
about to post at the following location:
Since the engine has hooks that hide the mssqlsystemresource database from
users, you don't have direct access to it through the GUI.
However, there is a way around this:
1.)Determine where the system databse files live, and keep this path handy:
USE master
SELECT REPLACE(filename, 'master.mdf', '')
FROM sys.sysfiles
WHERE fileid = 1
2.)Stop the SQL Server service;
3.)Copy the files mssqlsystemresource.*df -> resource_copy.*df.
NOTE: do *not* rename or remove the mssqlsystemresource files!
4.)Start the SQL Server service;
5.)Run the following code in a new query window:
EXEC sp_attach_db
'<path from above>resource_copy.mdf',
'<path from above>resource_copy.ldf'
6.)Now, the system will no longer identify this database as a "special"
7.)You can easily scan through the names of system objects that might
otherwise be unknown (and browse any code associated with these objects) from
a GUI (like SQL Server Management Studio).
Chris Jones
Application Development Consultant
"" wrote:
> Just make a copy of the database files, attach it with a different name
> and... 'voila'!
> :-)
> Chris wrote:
|||i just read ur post and i liked it beacuse i didn't even knew that SQL Server
uses such databases other then the known ones. but i didn't find the
mssqlsystemresource.mdf file can i please specify the address.
"Hilary Cotter" wrote:
> they are in mssqlsystemresource.mdf. Open it in a text editor to read what
> this proc does.
> --
> Hilary Cotter
> Looking for a SQL Server replication book?
> Looking for a FAQ on Indexing Services/SQL FTS
> "Chris" <> wrote in message
Sunday, February 19, 2012
"Hidden" Replication Stored Procedures?
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