I Access SQL one can imbed "IF" statements in a select query (or view).
In SQL Server, Microsoft seems to only allow the use of control statements such as IF and CASE in Stored Procedures but not in a view.
Question: Is there any way to use "IF" or "CASE" in a view? If a stored procdure is the best route, how do i access the results set afterwards?Case works fine - please post the view you tried to create.|||Here is the SQL fragment converted from ACCESS IIF's to SQL Server CASE. I don't have access to the SQL Server at the moment but I will try out your suggestion first chance I get.
WHEN [IncidentHeaderDynamicsCustNmbr] Like '99900%' THEN
WHEN IsNull(IncidentHeaderSiteID])=True And IsNull(IncidentHeaderClientAddressID])=True) THEN
Trim([IncidentHeaderSiteCustName]))) AS InvoiceHeaderSiteCustName,
Trim([IncidentHeaderSiteCntcPrsn]))) AS InvoiceHeaderSiteCntcPrsn,
Trim([IncidentHeaderSiteStmtName]))) AS InvoiceHeaderSiteStmtName,
Trim([IncidentHeaderSiteAddress1]))) AS InvoiceHeaderSiteAddress1,
Trim([IncidentHeaderSiteAddress2]))) AS InvoiceHeaderSiteAddress2,
Trim([IncidentHeaderSiteCity]))) AS InvoiceHeaderSiteCity,
Trim([IncidentHeaderSiteState]))) AS InvoiceHeaderSiteState,
Trim([IncidentHeaderSiteCountry]))) AS InvoiceHeaderSiteCountry,
Trim([IncidentHeaderSiteZip]))) AS InvoiceHeaderSiteZip,
Trim([IncidentHeaderSitePhone1]))) AS InvoiceHeaderSitePhone1,
Trim([IncidentHeaderSitePhone2]))) AS InvoiceHeaderSitePhone2,
Trim([IncidentHeaderSiteFax]))) AS InvoiceHeaderSiteFax,
END|||The problem looks like with your syntax (check out BOL) - the case statement goes as follows:
CASE input_expression
WHEN when_expression THEN result_expression
ELSE else_result_expression
WHEN Boolean_expression THEN result_expression
ELSE else_result_expression
Anyway, you have case when - but you are missing the end statement - Maybe you are thinking you can return multiple results - You will have to test for each case.
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