Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Not enough server storage is available to process this command"

We have several customers using replication on similar databases - all with the same schema, published using essentially the same script. One of them has been getting the "Not enough server storage" message when they try to access any network shares on th
e server with the published database on it. This starts happening between 24-36 hours after they first run the snapshot agent.
The application log contains an entry saying "The process could not create file \\[SERVER]\REPLDATA\unc",
and the system log has one saying "The server was unable to allocate from the system paged pool because the pool was empty".
When they turn off the replication everything is fine.
I suggested increasing the IRPStackSize value in the registry, as this was mentioned in the closest article I could find on MSDN/KB (something about Norton AntiVirus), but this didn't make any difference.
This is SQL Server 2000 running on Windows 2000 Server, all with up-to-date service packs.
Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
from your earlier post i understand that the snapshot creation part gives
out this message.
If the error occurs while the snapshot is being generated, check the
1. Check if the sql server service account has appropriate NTFS and share
level permissions to write to the repldata directory.
2. Check if there is enough storage space on the disk for creating files
in repldata directory.
3. Check if you can run xp_cmdshell "dir
and dir \\distributor\c$\mssql\repldata from command prompt.
If the error occurs after the snapshot has been completely generated, Refer
* KB : 285089 IRPStackSize Parameter in Windows 2000
Pls do let me know of the SQL server version (build number). and the event
id's of the event log messages.
Does this message stop replication? are the subscribers and publisher in
sync? - Just to confirm if this message is obstructing replication from
being in sync.

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