Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"On Error Resume Next" in SQL Server

I am executing a stored procedure that uses a cursor to do
a CONTAINS search for each record and to produce a result
set from that for output. The trouble is that if a good
old "ignored words" error occurs for one of the records
the procedure stops running. I need this to carry on
running regardless of this as the only reason an error
would occur would be due to bad user input which does not
bother me and can therefore be "ignored".
I have followed the advice in the KB article at
us;246800 for formatting input for CONTAINS searches but
there is always some nasty ASCII/UNICODE character that
slips through.
Is there a method to isolate the full-text search (or any
part of the procedure for that matter) and to guarantee
that my stored procedure will run to the end of the cursor?
Any help would be much appreciated.Implementing Error Handling with Stored Procedures
Error Handling in SQL Server – a Background
"Andy Wakeling" wrote:

> I am executing a stored procedure that uses a cursor to do
> a CONTAINS search for each record and to produce a result
> set from that for output. The trouble is that if a good
> old "ignored words" error occurs for one of the records
> the procedure stops running. I need this to carry on
> running regardless of this as the only reason an error
> would occur would be due to bad user input which does not
> bother me and can therefore be "ignored".
> I have followed the advice in the KB article at
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-
> us;246800 for formatting input for CONTAINS searches but
> there is always some nasty ASCII/UNICODE character that
> slips through.
> Is there a method to isolate the full-text search (or any
> part of the procedure for that matter) and to guarantee
> that my stored procedure will run to the end of the cursor?
> Any help would be much appreciated.
>|||When you are running your query in query analyzer, does it stop running? If
so, then please post the code. If it doesn't, then it is your code that is
causing it to stop. Just have your calling code ignore the errors and
continue on.
Louis Davidson - drsql@.hotmail.com
SQL Server MVP
Compass Technology Management - www.compass.net
Pro SQL Server 2000 Database Design -
Blog - http://spaces.msn.com/members/drsql/
Note: Please reply to the newsgroups only unless you are interested in
consulting services. All other replies may be ignored :)
"Andy Wakeling" <anonymous@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>I am executing a stored procedure that uses a cursor to do
> a CONTAINS search for each record and to produce a result
> set from that for output. The trouble is that if a good
> old "ignored words" error occurs for one of the records
> the procedure stops running. I need this to carry on
> running regardless of this as the only reason an error
> would occur would be due to bad user input which does not
> bother me and can therefore be "ignored".
> I have followed the advice in the KB article at
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-
> us;246800 for formatting input for CONTAINS searches but
> there is always some nasty ASCII/UNICODE character that
> slips through.
> Is there a method to isolate the full-text search (or any
> part of the procedure for that matter) and to guarantee
> that my stored procedure will run to the end of the cursor?
> Any help would be much appreciated.|||Louis,
I won't post the actual code as it is a massive SP and
besides, we've tried various tests in QA as well but the
gist is as follows:
OPEN TestCursor
WHILE (1 = 1)
FETCH NEXT FROM TestCursor INTO @.SearchText
SET @.SearchText = FormatSearchText(@.SearchText)
This is a UDF with output as per KB article as mentioned.
If anything goes wrong this returns '' as I am not
bothered if it cannot resolve input but note: This can
still output junk that can break the CONTAINS search.
When run in QA, if this query causes an ignored-word error
the SP stops dead. I need it to carry on to the end of the
SELECT * FROM #TEMPTABLE /* Output of entire cursor */
That's pretty much what I'm trying to achieve. What do you

>--Original Message--
>When you are running your query in query analyzer, does
it stop running? If
>so, then please post the code. If it doesn't, then it is
your code that is
>causing it to stop. Just have your calling code ignore
the errors and
>continue on.
>Louis Davidson - drsql@.hotmail.com
>SQL Server MVP
>Compass Technology Management - www.compass.net
>Pro SQL Server 2000 Database Design -
>Blog - http://spaces.msn.com/members/drsql/
>Note: Please reply to the newsgroups only unless you are
interested in
>consulting services. All other replies may be ignored :)
>"Andy Wakeling" <anonymous@.discussions.microsoft.com>
wrote in message
>|||No idea, as I don't use full text search at all. However, if the
formatSearchText can output stuff to cause it to fail, is this text
something that would obviously make it fail? Such that you could clean it
up in the UDF? Hopefully someone else who has used full text search can see
the problem with it. Maybe posting some of the values that cause it to
Sorry I am not much help on this subject.
Louis Davidson - drsql@.hotmail.com
SQL Server MVP
Compass Technology Management - www.compass.net
Pro SQL Server 2000 Database Design -
Blog - http://spaces.msn.com/members/drsql/
Note: Please reply to the newsgroups only unless you are interested in
consulting services. All other replies may be ignored :)
"Andy Wakeling" <anonymous@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Louis,
> I won't post the actual code as it is a massive SP and
> besides, we've tried various tests in QA as well but the
> gist is as follows:
> OPEN TestCursor
> WHILE (1 = 1)
> FETCH NEXT FROM TestCursor INTO @.SearchText
> SET @.SearchText = FormatSearchText(@.SearchText)
> /*
> This is a UDF with output as per KB article as mentioned.
> If anything goes wrong this returns '' as I am not
> bothered if it cannot resolve input but note: This can
> still output junk that can break the CONTAINS search.
> */
> /*
> When run in QA, if this query causes an ignored-word error
> the SP stops dead. I need it to carry on to the end of the
> cursor.
> */
> SELECT * FROM #TEMPTABLE /* Output of entire cursor */
> That's pretty much what I'm trying to achieve. What do you
> reckon?
> Cheers
> Andy
> it stop running? If
> your code that is
> the errors and
> --
> interested in
> wrote in message
> do
> result
> not
> any
> cursor?

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