Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Oracle Not Available" error from SQL

We have a DTS package utilizing an ODBC connection to and Oracle database to run a few updates. I can TNSPING the Oracle instance but get the error Ora-01034 ORACLE not available when trying to run the package.
Any ideas?DTS packages can run as scheduled tasks, on the server itself, or from a workstation. They may or may not have the same NT Credentials. My guess would be that you're running the task from two different machines (a workstation and a server), where one has Oracle connectivity and the other does not.

-PatP|||Pat, Thanks for the reply.

This is all running from our SQL server and is scheduled from there. When i am looking at the DTS package, specifically the connection i can not even close it without getting the error.|||Have you rebooted NT since you installed the Oracle drivers on your server?

-PatP|||We have been utilizing the Microsoft ODBC for Oracle drivers.|||Have you tried running xp_cmdshell stored procedure from sql server with something like 'tnsping oracle_server'?

exec master..xp_cmdshell 'tnsping oracle_server_name'

what is the result? it could help to determine the source of problem

btw we have been using microsoft ole db provider for oracle for two years in dts packages and it's absolutely problemless. but only for selects. mojza

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